Double charges can happen when customers renew their account without canceling their initial payment or when there is a decline or general error, the credit card system will try to withdraw the funds again. When those funds are withdrawn on a different billing date, it creates a second subscription under the same card.
Another possible reason for double charges might be due to having multiple subscriptions to BPM Supreme using multiple accounts with different email addresses by accident. We recommend using only 1 account and cancelling the others to avoid confusion and having accidental subscriptions to multiple accounts may not qualify for a refund.
To avoid this problem, please cancel your subscription at least 72 hours prior to the renewal date before updating your payment method. Canceling your account on the same day as your renewal date may still incur a non-refundable charge, but you will be able to download tracks for the full month you paid for. Please refer to our Refund Policy for more information.
If you still see two charges in your account occurring in the same month or experience any other billing errors, please submit a contact form or send an email to and provide the following information below so that we can further assist you:
- Exact name on the account
- Email, username or user ID associated with the account
- The last 4 digits of the credit card used
- Or if you paid with PayPal, PayPal email**
Once we have confirmed the double charges, we can offer the following two options:
Option 1 - Our billing department can either credit your account for the amount of months you were accidentally charged extra. However, your account would have to expire at a specific date. (Please note our team will have to cancel the recurring subscription to avoid any charges, meaning once the account expires, you will have to renew the subscription)
Option 2 - BPM can issue refunds to either your card or your PayPal account. Please confirm which payment method you would like to keep on file (PayPal or your card).
BPM only offers refunds for double charges within a 90 day period. Any charges exceeding our 90-day policy will be credited to your BPM account.
If you need help with updating your payment information, please click here.
For information on cancelling subscriptions, please click here.
For information on our refund policy, click here.
**Please note that we continue to support previous PayPal transactions, but we will be discontinuing PayPal in the future in 2024.**